Operation 36 Golf

About Operation 36 Golf

Operation 36 Golf provides beginners with the most effective developmental programs and technology to learn to play golf.

Since one of Bogey Men’s major goals is to get more minorities on the golf course Operation 36 would be a great fit.


There are over 12 million people interested in learning to play golf. Unfortunately, the way golfers are introduced to the sport is fundamentally flawed. Beginners are set up for failure before they even start.


After 10 years of research and development, Operation 36 provides beginners with most effective development model and technology to learn to play golf.  Join a local program to play your first 9 holes and have a motivating roadmap to becoming a skilled life-long golfer! 


The mission at Operation 36 is to design the world's most effective long-term programs and technology to introduce and progress a beginner in playing the game of golf. 

Network Goal

The goal is to introduce 1 million new golfers to the game and get them to shoot even par (36) for 9 holes by the end of 2025!

Visit the Operation 36 Golf website here.


PGA Works


PGA Hope